Monday, January 28, 2013

Sarah Rizky, Ss.

I feel splendid. It feels like what I had been doing for three and a half years has finally payed off and worth it. And I'm pretty satisfied with myself for went through the final examination pretty well. So here's a little about the first night of this new 'Sarjana Sastra'.
The day ended with the good news for our Sarah, the last among us four who had to face the examination on Monday. We took several pictures of ourselves, and also with the other fresh graduates, some were still in their black and white uniforms while some, including me, have had our clothes changed for the sake of our comfort! LOL
After that, the day went perfectly well. So well that I think God was giving me graduation presents. I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen in my entire life. The sky was like a canvas with the gradation of magenta, orange, dark gray, and blue. Splendid. The bus wasn't crowded, well, at least there were some seats left for Manda and I. There was no gridlock at all! Magic! But I was so tired my feet hurt so much that I finally decided to stop a taxi to reach my house.
And it didn't stop there. Mbak Shinta, my sister, Fay, my niece, and Omar, my nephew, welcomed me with congratulations and questions of how I went through the 'sidang'. The kids looked excited when I told them about it, "Can't wait for mine!", they said. And how I wish them good too once their days come. It wasn't long until my sister called me to check on my mom's house, saying that the door was locked and she needed me to open it, despite the fact that it is never been locked since the rain ruined the door, making it so hard to close or open it, moreover to lock it.
But I changed anyway because she asked me to. The hell what happened next. My cousin from next door, Mas Fino, was like sprinting out of nowhere with cokes in his hands. He looked so scary with his bald head, came out sprinting in the dark like that. *shivers* And then I heard my sister, along with her kids shouted the word, "Attack!" ...and that was when I knew I was being punked.
The cokes were all over my body and hairs, some went into my eyes and mouth. The next thing hit me were eggs. Like about five of them. On my back. On my spine. On my arms. Oh, I smelled Y-U-C-K. And so it felt! Cokes + eggs = not a good combination.
I took shower already, alright? So no need to close your nose now. I'm on my bed already, laying my still-wet-hairs on my pillow (too lazy to dry it, since it's late already), under my soft blanket, and hugging my Teddy bear. I feel splendid. What left for me now are the revisions and lots of pray to God the Almighty that He'll ease along my best friends' ways for their 'sidang', just like what He just did for me.


PS. I forgot to move my wet clothes from the bathroom. Must be smell like eggs and cokes the very next morning. Ew.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I Got a Feeling

Dulu waktu gue SMP, gue ikut paskibra dan jadi salah satu orang yang ada di sayap kanan garuda. Pas latihan, gue ngerasa degdegan setengah mati, tiap liat bendera merah putih bawaannya mau nangis, dan yang ada dipikiran gue waktu itu adalah, "damn. Gue akan jadi salah satu orang terhormat yang akan ikut ngibarin itu bendera di hari kemerdekaan negeri tercinta gue." Call me exaggerating, but that was just me. Unfortunately, the D-day didn't go as well as it planned to be. Benderanya melintir men. Me-lin-tir. Gue ga ikutan melintirin itu bendera sih, but I was there, and my dream of crying in front of the goddamn flag once it was up there crashed out. Pagi-pagi banget, sebelum kejadian bendera melintir itu, gue sama anak-anak paskibraka yang lain udah ngumpul di halaman belakang sekolah gue untuk doa bareng dan briefing terakhir, foto-foto, dll dll deh. And in that very moment, I felt rather... Gimana ya? Datar gitu. Ga deg-degan. Kayak yang, "yauda lah ntar juga udahan."

And that what exactly I am feeling right now for the final test of my research. Waktu seminar tuh gue degdegannya ampe mau pup dikampus, sampe mulut gue bawaannya pengen makan fullo mulu (bukan iklan loh), pokoknya yang gemeteran gimana gitu deh. Tapi pas gue udh didalem, ga ada apa-apa tuh. Yah, revisi aja sama masukan. Ga ada yang gue di-kill banget gitu sama dosen, ga ada. Tapi itu pas seminar. Ini udah 2 hari sebelum sidang dan gue ga ngerasa degdegan sama sekali. Mau nyentuh skripsi gue buat liat-liat dalemnya aja beloman. Sama persis kayak waktu gue mau ngibarin bendera itu... Datar. Gue sih berdoa aja kalo ini bukan pertanda buruk, ini sebenernya pertanda kalo gue tuh udah siap mental buat sidang. I bet my life, hari H nya gue pasti bakal kebelet pup dan pengen makan fullo lagi (again, bukan iklan), jadi mungkin semuanya akan baik-baik aja.

Dan shit, gue baru inget gue ga punya kemeja putih buat besok, e.e. Gue besok harus ke BP nih nyari kemeja buat sidang. Semangat, Kiki. Mudah-mudahan kamu lulus dengan nilai A! Siapapun yang baca dan ngerti (ya kali, bule ada yang bisa bahasa Indonesia), doain gue ya. Wish me the best of luck for Monday, 2PM. (Jadwal gue 2PM loh. Jangan-jangan pertanda kalo gue sama Chansung...........oke, jangan dilanjutin)

Alright, Pai.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 New Year's Resolution

Well, probably too late to write any resolution right now, it's freaking 24th of January and all. But just like what they say, better late than ever. So here goes mine, just so we could see just how much of these resolutions I could get done before the start of the 2014. Ready? Ready.

  1. Start and finish a fiction
  2. Graduate from English Department of State University of Jakarta
  3. Get-a-job
  4. Have my own salary, of course.
  5. Buy myself an SLR
  6. Go to Malaysia to visit a friend-o-mine.
  7. Be active, and yes, by that I mean really active on DeviantArt.
  8. Have lots of self-quality time. Yep. Alone!
  9. Buy 3 novels that would probably worth reading and make fanarts out of it.
  11. Buy myself lots of new scarves. And also, learn how to use it in a stylish way ;D
  12. Be closer to Allah.

WHY DON'T I PUT "Have a boyfriend" as this year's resolution?! WHY?! Because... I don't think I'll be able to make it and I wouldn't like to have any of my list undone. Besides, I don't think I even need one for this year. But Idk, IF I get one, that will be a bonus. I'm being rational. An SLR doesn't seem rational though but I WILL GET ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY IT OKAY?!
