We constantly nag to ourselves and to others about how we wish for a job that hypes us up so much in a point where we wouldn't sigh at the dawn of every Monday morning thinking, "Where are you, Friday?"
Not until recently I started to figure out that it's not about our jobs (since mine consists of: 20% of administration process that always seems to have a very short deadline, 10% of "yessir!", 40% of foreign policy, and 30% of pure laughter with friends because the ride is crazy- which is, of course, exciting!)
It's about these people who act like they're the only ones that need to be hurry in the morning (God bless them) and those who think they're the most tired ones in the evening (God bless me) that annoys the shit out of me every single effing time, both on my way to and from work; the type of earthlings you would meet (sadly, because it reaches almost half of the world population) every day of your life (even weekends!!)
God sure knows how to test His people. Oh, Jakartans, where did you leave your patience and manners at?
K.O in 3...2... *drops mic*