Another concert and event to attend. Rasanya kalo magang di stasiun TV, emang dua hal itu jadi hal yang super usual banget buat lo temuin tiap minggunya. Ada lah konser, press conference, konser musik, sampai ajang award-award gitu, udah jd santapan gue seminggu penuh ini. Mulai dr hari minggu tanggal 1 juli kemaren, gue udah ikutan 3 event. Mulai dari konser penutupan acara olahraga ajang eropa, press conference acara baru, sampe ajang gede kayak award untuk musik Indonesia. It wasn't tiring at all actually, except the fact that you were stand by on the office from 8AM already and had to go home at past midnight, around 2 or 3 in the morning. Dan sebenernya ga kekurangan tidur juga. Just a new sleeping habit I have to get used to.
Kemaren gue dimarahin sama Neni gara-gara gue baru nyampe rumah jam setengah 3 pagi padahal gue udah berangkat dari rumah jam 7 pagi. "Itu namanya melanggar hukum tenaga kerja! Kamu kan cuma magang! Bukan pegawai tetap. Emangnya kamu digaji berapa miliar sampe mau pulang pagi begitu?"
The sentences got me thinking, of whether I would still be doing this if my department in the campus I have my study in doesn't acquire its students to have a work experience right before their final proposal (skripsi). Bener banget sih, gue magang emang ga digaji. I mean, unlike any other places, kayaknya gue juga ga bakal dapet duit transport/makan. But honestly, even though being home is the first thing that cross my mind as soon as I place my ass on that seat in my office, being absent is the least thing I want to do. I mean, everyday I keep on asking to myself during my working hours, "Just how much longer should I stay here? I wanna go home." But each time I wake up in the morning for work, I was like, "Let's see how I get through today. Let's see how strong or weak I am to face those strangers." And the thought excites me. Always.
Gue gamau bilang kalo gue betah magang disitu. Gue gamau bilang kalo gue nyaman, I obviously need more than just comfort and a will to stay to make this new 'house' my 'home'. But so far, I enjoy each new experience I got. How I would meet new people, interact with them, and see just how these people work so hard just to entertain another bunch of people who are probably just lazying their asses being potato couches. It's just, 'Wow. People really do this kind of thing?! Like, seriously?!'
Gue jadi mikir, jadi sebenernya bukan masalah dibayar berapanya gue akan menempatkan diri gue di suatu institusi atau lembaga untuk kerja nantinya setelah gue lulus. Tapi seberapa interest gue di bidang itu. Gitu ga sih? I mean, why would people love to be lecturers with a not-so-high salary when they actually have enough experience to be more? Walaupun emang salary itu megang peran penting banget, tapi kenapa banyak wartawan yang udh terlanjur terjun ke lapangan untuk cari berita ga betah kalo ditempatin jadi chief editor diruangan yang punya gaji lebih gede? Again, interest's role is big.
Mudah-mudahan, as soon as I graduate from this English Department, I will be able to have a job I interest with the most, with the salary enough for my needs to have another study for S2 in London. Bule, I'm coming (?)
PS: gue belom punya ID magang sampe hari ini. Mbak Fatiya nya LUPA. Fufufu.
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