Monday, February 10, 2014


...Why do we write fiction?
"To express ourselves,"
"Because we like the sound of our own voices,"
Why do I write?
"To explore new worlds,"
"To explore old ones,"
To be somewhere else,
"Maybe to make sense of ourselves?"
"To set ourselves free,"
To get free of ourselves.
"To show people what it's like inside our heads,"
"To make people laugh,"
"To get attention."
"To stop hearing the voices in our heads,"
To stop, to stop being anything or anywhere at all.
"To leave our mark,"
"To create something that will outlive us."
"Asexual reproduction."
"To share something true,"

Cath shook her head.
"Why do we write fiction?" Professor Piper asked.
Cath looked down at her notebook.
To disappear.

Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl, ch. 2, pg 23.
My personal muse.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Love, love, love, the cover design
Just bought myself another Rainbow Rowell's masterpiece last night! The book title says it all of what the book's about. I'm going to start reading it tomorrow, and maybe, just maybe when I'm not lazy, I'll put up a review for it here in my blog. Read you later, Cath!