Thursday, March 20, 2014

Where Did the Party Go?

Honolulu! Greeting, earthlings!

I know I haven't write that much but anything gloomy these days, I don't know why either. Maybe it's because I'm just lazy that way, but probably because I'm in my gloomy mood too recently.
I don't feel like I'm in my best stage right now, not my worst either but I'm in a low one, I just know it. I lost my excitement for things I found important a year ago. And that's terrible. Because those used to be my source of energy, and with the excitement gone, I feel pretty much energy-less (lol is there even a word?!)
Even for social-interaction with my friends, tell you what! My junior high besties came visit me two days ago, they nagged on how it was difficult for them to reach me via anything, text message, phone call, and I only had two reasons to defend myself with, "lazy", and "I forgot to reply."
Roleplay used to be my perfect escape when I'm in this kind of situation, but it affects me nomore. It bores me too. I tend to get online just to seen-zone these people, like some posts, and then log myself out again.
I don't know what I'm currently searching right now but I feel the need to be back on track. I don't know, to socialize more, perhaps? To write more, draw more, even if it's only a trashy doodle. To listen to some more new songs and sing in the bathroom (it's been awhile since the last time I did the latter). To feel excited again.
Come on, Q.
Get out of your I'm-bored-and-boring stage, please!
Anyway I hope you all a very good day ahead. Tata for now, okay? I hope I'll be writing again soon.


  1. Ahem. Fancy some cases to solve? LOL

    1. Yes please! I need "cases" to do more than "staying alive" lol
