Saturday, July 12, 2014

There Goes My 20s

People said that your 20s would go faster than you have ever thought it would. One day you woke up being a freshman of the 20-line, then the next morning could just be your last 20-some day. That's what I'm feeling right now, though I haven't even the reach the middle part of it but indeed, the first three went so fast.

I'm a girl with big dreams, hell yeah I dream big. But I'm also that kind of person who let things flow, too easily sometimes that I make no effort of changing my direction and just follow the wave that lead me toward the same old island called the 30s. Too busy keeping my head up the water and my body balance in this warm and still ocean I am in, I guess, that I have passed some other islands along my way.

Those islands might take more effort than just keeping your head up and balancing your body with your arms, it might have some big waves, even storms to welcome you in, and you might have to use your legs too to keep you moving forward toward those islands despite the bad-bad-bad weather, to those islands called Adventures.

I might have passed three, if only the island appears annually, but I might have passed some numbers too if there were lots of them.The warm-still water keeps me where I am. Not that I'm not happy about it. What could have been more comforting, right? Your families are waiting for you on the 30s, your future's clear. You'll find a man, be a good housewife like perhaps the rest of the females in your family are, make and raising kids, a family of your own, clean the house, cook the meals, 24/7, for the rest of your upcoming life. That's what us girls will be in the end, like it or not, we're the female of the species. Unlike those Adventure islands, who knows what's inside? There might be where the monsters from your nightmares live!

But... when the day arrive, I would be spending my days on that island not knowing what storm looks like, or-or-or how surfing on those big waves feels like. Because again, whether or not have you "visited" those islands of Adventures, you're still going to end up in 30s anyway, right? So why bother not visiting? Said my heart.

Soon, it's going to be my 4th year in this 20s ocean. I'm counting months, and the bad thing about is, it's that in the 20s ocean, months felt like days, and days like hours, and hours like minutes, and it goes on and on and on. Like... Yesterday was May! It's almost mid July already? You have got to be fucking kidding me, man! Will I let another Adventure island pass? Will I not find new things to learn, like big waves and storms? All of us will say "there goes my 20s" the moment we arrive in our 30s. It's about what tone will we use. Are we satisfied? Will I be satisfied?

I hope, when I reach my 30s, I'll have a proud smile on my face, a tired sigh out of my mouth, with a kid of my own on my lap as I finish this story, "there goes my 20s," and there my kid would answer, "I want a 20s journey like yours, Ma!" I hope. Let's keep on swimming for now.

20s ocean, please be nice.

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