Sunday, October 20, 2013

Save Rock & Roll

Last night felt like a dream, only sweeter! I can't believe it's actually been 8 damn years since the boys debuted. I still remember how chubby Patrick was in Sugar We're Going Down. And damn last night he's a hottie. He's so thin, but cute still. Joe's hairs overwhelmed my feeling. His guitar skill is no doubt, damn boy! Andy... Omg Andy. His tattoos make me crave for one. Good thing he was half naked the whole show hehe. And Pete. Omg. He was right in front of me, and he smiled, and he licked his lips for what seemed like thousand times and it was so freaking sexy. Short to say, the boys, overcast kids, and I, we just saved rock and roll last night. Thanks, Fall Out Boy!

This was how the boys started the show, masked on.

I was in the front row, but was on the right side of the stage. So when the boys got in the center, they seemed tiny for me *sobs*

The anthem was on. Shivers all over my body, I nearly cried!

Pete wore a tight and he didn't look gay at all.
Next thing I know he was so damn close and I was like "FUCK YOU PETE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"

Here is us. The boys and the kids. Stoked to know that I'm somewhere in this picture hoho.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Keep Calm: Fall Out Boy is in Jakarta

I can't keep calm. Like, how am I supposed to calm down? I got my ticket ready, and the boys have arrived and I've been listening to their music since I was in Junior High and now suddenly in about 24 hours, I'm going to see them on stage and sing a long and ugh, I don't know anymore. I can't calm. Don't tell me to calm down, you guys.

My ticket for le concert. Yoohoo!

Pete's post on Instagram D-1 before the concert. OMG.