Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Story That's Never Been Told

His lips leaped forward,
wanting to catch hers,
And as her hands stopping his,
which have moved several steps ahead,
she held her breath and stared,
wanting to catch his eyes.

"You don't even know me."
He looked at her, confused,
but more than anything, intrigued.
"You don't even know my favorite color."
She continued.

"You never tell."
"You never ask."
"What's so important about it?"
"We never really talk, you never really try
to just connect with me, you know,

As he paused, she prayed so hard,
so hard for him to say those words.

"I don't know your favorite color,
but I know you love your dad so much,
that his initial would be your first tattoo,
if you ever get one.
I know you always, weirdly,
wear your watch the wrong way,
with the analog just below your palm,
instead of facing upward, 
on the back of your wrist.
I know you love coffee a lot,
and that you like it black and hot,
neither with sugar nor milk,
but with cinnamon powder on top.
I know you twirl your hairs before you sleep.
I remember all of the things you've told me. 
And I know that I want to know more."

If only he'd tell her, she'd drag him closer,
by his collar, knowing she had let the right guy
to take what she shared only along with trust.
But he stayed, silent,
before he got back on his seat
and started back the car's engine on.
"Thames Street?"

Then she sighed,
"Thames Street."

That night,
none of them got what they wanted.

Friday, June 8, 2018


some people aren't meant to be kept
some times they just meet you
so you can meet yourself
so you can long back for the warmth
of the heart you have left cold for years
like the hot chocolate that night
that lost its taste against his

some stories aren't meant to be memories
some times they just happen
as a subtle reminder
of how good you are at loving
until you decided to shrug it off
like the cold night breeze
that brushed the same cheek he kissed

and some falling isn't worth telling
some times you fall just so you know
of how capable you are at holding
although love wouldn't be
as easy as how his long digits
intertwining with yours becoming
the best 2 minutes of your life

some times the end of the page
marks a new chapter
some times the closure of an envelope
marks a new letter
but he came like a summer fling in winter
and gone like a christmas present
that never arrives

at times like this
you just have to go home
to the only love that keeps
your heart, your lips and your hands
untouched so it can't ever be broken
untouched so they can't be left to dry
untouched so they can hold yourself better
in a way you let him tried,
in a way you wish he'd tried

Friday, June 1, 2018

Is It Time?

The neon lights sparkle
Fingers intertwine
Lips clasp and tongues dance
All but mine
Solitude romanticizes, they said
But definitely not mine.